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This notification provides a brief summary of each AAR Circular Letter issued during the prior month. TrinityRail monitors these Circular Letters as they relate to or may impact TrinityRail’s fleet, its customers, its shop network and its manufacturing operations. Please click on the hyperlinks below to access the full circular. The circular number is hyperlinked to the TrinityRail QA Portal. Members of the portal will be able to open the Circular Letters and any attachments. Non-members will need to access the Circulars via their AAR Circular Subscriptions.

These Circular Letter – Quick Notes are intended to improve accessibility to the users and are not proof of revision to the AAR, MSRP’s, Office or Field Manuals per AAR MSRP-J M-1003 2.3.5.

Subject: Informational Circular, M-216 Compliance for F-Type Knuckles
Date Issued: October 3, 2022
Date Effective: October 3, 2022
Group: Manufacturer
As of 1/1/23, all newly manufactured F-type knuckles for North American interchange service are required to meet M-216 fatigue requirements. In accordance w/M-216 & M-211 these knuckles are identified by the letter V at the end of the catalog number (e.g. F51AEV). After 1/1/23 manufacturers must not accept orders for non-M-216 F-type knuckles except to draw down existing inventory. This deadline applies to the production of new knuckles & not the application of existing stock. Existing inventories of the non-M-216 knuckles may continue to be applied. Manufacturers w/existing purchase orders for non-M- 216 F-type knuckles that extend beyond the deadline may work w/the CSTCC for special consideration. As existing non-M-216 inventory is exhausted, the CSTCC will work w/CRB to begin removing corresponding Job Codes for application of new knuckles.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments: MSRP Section C II: Design, Fabrication, & Construction of Freight Cars, App. C Specification for Instrumented Wheel Sets
Date Issued: October 5, 2022
Date Effective: October 5, 2022
Group: Manufacturer
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to MSRP Section C II: Design, Fabrication, & Construction of Freight Cars, App. C. The EEC is updating the specification to add clarifications & to allow more flexibility in the calibration process. Comments from interested parties are herewith solicited under the provisions of AAR Standard S-050. Please submit comments or questions to Jon Hannafious at Please include the Circular Number in the subject line of your email. All comments, relevant to the proposed revisions, received within 30 days of the issuance of this circular will be considered by the EEC prior to further action.​​​

Subject: Solicitation of Comments on Proposed Revisions to MSRP Section C-III, Specification for Tank Cars (M-1002), Chapter 1 & 2, App. A, C, D, E, & Y
Date Issued: October 11, 2022
Date Effective: October 11, 2022
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The TCC is requesting comments on the proposed revisions identified by change bars in the margin w/in the attached Chapter 1 & 2, App. A, C, D, E & Y. The revisions pertain to the following AAR TCC Dockets: T5.31 Review Tank Car Elements in Umler, T10.31 Performance of Bottom Fitting Protection System, T87.9 TIH Tank Car Transition Plan, T92.20 Review of EEC Marking Reduction Effort, T100.22.2 Service Equipment Component Tracking – All Service Equipment Categories. To facilitate the handling of industry comments, AAR requires the attached Exhibit PC-1 (ver. 5.0) form to be completely filled out & submitted via e- mail to Matt Forister at by 5:00 PM eastern 11/10/22. The TCC has made it clear to the AAR staff that the Exhibit PC-1 ver. 5.0 form must be completed will all information for the submitted comments to be considered.

Subject: Informational: Implementation of Editorial Modifications to S-920 Appendices A-H (Registered Component Data Glossaries)
Date Issued: October 11, 2022
Date Effective: October 11, 2022
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
AAR’s Component Tracking Taskforce together with the Equipment Health Monitoring Committee are providing notification to the industry that a minor editorial modification has been made in the interest of clarity to the headers of the Data Glossaries in Appendices A-H of MSRP F, Sensors, S-920 Component Identification (CID) Bar Code Standard. The modification is the addition of “O=Optional” to the “Text on Label” header column of Appendices A through H. The columns previously only included R=Required & C=Conditional which will remain in place. This addition is being made to help readers better understand the text requirements for CID labels and further enhance the overall quality of the AAR Component Registry program. S-920 is appended to this circular & now implemented & effective immediately. The revised S-920 standard will be incorporated into the next published issue of the MSRP Section F​. Questions related to this change should be directed to; please include the circular number & comments in the subject line.

Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section I, Intermodal Equipment Manual, RP- 853, Trailer Skirt
Date Issued: October 12, 2022
Date Effective: October 12, 2022
Group: Locomotive
The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to MSRP Section I, Intermodal Equipment Manual, RP-853, defining the requirements for trailer skirts. On March 26, 2020, Circular Letter C-13520 was issued to solicit comments. No comments were received. Revised recommended Practice RP-853, attached, is now implemented & effective immediately. This modification will be incorporated in the next issue of the MSRP Section I. Please update your library & be governed accordingly. Please submit questions, using the file number in the subject line of the email, to Daniel Carter at​​

Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section H-II, ROLLER BEARING MANUAL, Standard S-726, Cone Marking Requirement
Date Issued: October 12, 2022
Date Effective: October 12, 2022
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to MSRP Section H-II, ROLLER BEARING MANUAL, Standard S-726, Cone Marking Requirement, regarding who may restore the markings on cones after grinding or machining. On 3/29/22, Circular Letter C-13947 was issued to solicit comments. No comments were received. Revised standard S-726, attached, is now implemented & effective immediately. This modification will be incorporated in the next issue of the MSRP Section H-II. Please update your library & be governed accordingly.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section S, Casting Details M-212, Couplers & Yokes, Secondhand—Classification & Reconditioning Procedure, regarding EF coupler butt reconditioning, hardness testing, & a new lug gauge
Date Issued: October 12, 2022
Date Effective: October 12, 2022
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to Section S, Casting Details Specification M-212, Couplers & Yokes, secondhand – classification & Reconditioning Procedure, regarding: Reconditioning of shank butts for E/F & F type couplers (file CSTC-S-M212.15), updating hardness testing locations & requirements (file CSTC-S- M212.11), & implementing a new classification gauge to eliminate E & E/F couplers with overworn pulling lugs from returning to service (file CSTC-S-M212.08).

Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP, Section M Locomotives & Locomotive Interchange Equipment, Specification M-1005 Locomotive Electronics Safety Assessment & Analyses
Date Issued: October 12, 2022
Date Effective: October 12, 2022
Group: Locomotive
On 7/29/22, the AAR Locomotive Committee issued Circular Letter C-14006 to solicit comments for proposed revisions to Specification M-1005. No comments were received. The Subpart E Task Force & the Locomotive Committee have approved implementing & publishing the revised M-1005 specification via this Circular Letter. Specification M-1005 is mandatory for all locomotives that implement changes or updates to safety critical systems after 10/9/17 or are built new after 10/9/17. The revised M-1005 specification is attached & is implemented effective immediately. The specification will be incorporated into the next issue of the MSRP Section M. Please update your library & be governed accordingly. All technical & administrative issues should be directed to Michael Fore at​

Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section N, Standard S-810, Field Impact & Over-the-Road Tests of Multi-Level Tie-Down Equipment & Methods
Date Issued: October 14, 2022
Date Effective: October 14, 2022
Group: Locomotive
The Specially Equipped Freight Car Committee is implementing revisions to Standard S-810, Section 2.5 that replace the VTU testing to on track testing using AAR GIB guidelines. 2.0 QUALIFICATION TESTS. 2.5 Following the impacts tests described in paragraphs 2.1 – 2.4, the test vehicle shall be used for on track testing using MxV Rail testing guidelines referenced in AAR General Information Bulletin No. 2, which is available at Changes to MSRP Section N, Standard S-810 are now implemented & effective immediately & will be incorporated in the next issue of MSRP Section N. In the interim, please insert the circular attachment into your copy of MSRP Section N & be governed accordingly. Questions should be directed to Mr. David Hendrixon at​​​​

Subject: IMPLEMENTED: MSRP, Section K-I Railway Electronics Architecture & Concepts of Operations, Standard S-9080.V4.0
Date Issued: October 19, 2022
Date Effective: October 19, 2022
Group: Locomotive
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​S-9080.V4.0 – Positive Train Control (PTC) Interoperability Committee Policy defines the policy-related items related to or required for PTC interoperability & document standard(s) associated with each. ​Standard S-9080.V4.0 was Adopted in 2020 & Last Revised in 2022 and is attached to this Circular in PDF format. S-9080.V4.0 will be incorporated into the next issue of the MSRP Section K-I Railway Electronics Architecture & Concepts of Operations​. In the interim, please insert the Circular in your copy of the MSRP Section K-I & be governed accordingly. Questions should be directed to Melody Sheahan​ at​​​

Subject: DRAFT S-9101.V1.2.1 – Locomotive Electronics System Architecture is available for review & comment, in support of MSRP – Section K-II, Locomotive Electronics & Train Consist System Architecture
Date Issued: October 19, 2022
Date Effective: October 19, 2022
Group: Locomotive
​​​​​​​​​​​The Railway Electronics Standards Committee is publishing DRAFT Standard S- 9101.V1.2.1 Locomotive Electronics System Architecture for review & comment. ​This document specifies an industry-standard architecture that defines the conventions for integrating electrical & electromechanical devices on board new road locomotives. The purpose of this standard is to set forth the requirements for the standard locomotive electronics architecture. All SharePoint technical & administrative issues should be directed to Railinc at Other questions should be directed to Melody Sheahan at

Subject: DRAFT S-9102.V1.0 – Locomotive Systems Time Synchronization is available for review & comment, in support of MSRP – Section K-II, Locomotive Electronics & Train Consist System Architecture
Date Issued: October 19, 2022
Date Effective: October 19, 2022
Group: Locomotive
​​​​​​​​​​​The Railway Electronics Standards Committee is publishing DRAFT Standard S- 9102.V1.0 Locomotive Systems Time Synchronization for review & comment. The purpose of this standard is to set forth the requirements for standardizing locomotive time synchronization & serves to eliminate the operational & technical issues associated w/disparate time. This document specifies an industry-standard architecture that defines the conventions for integrating time services on board new road locomotives. ​In order to provide time for review & comment, this document will have a 30-day comment period.

Subject: Implementation of Revised MSRP Section G-II, Wheel & Axle Manual 2022
Date Issued: October 25, 2022
Date Effective: October 25, 2022
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
​​​​​​​​​​​The Wheels, Axles, Bearings, & Lubrication Committee is pleased to announce a new edition of the MSRP Section G-II, Wheel & Axle Manual.​ Since the last printing issued in February 2019.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section I, Intermodal Equipment Manual, M-998, IBC Handle Requirement
Date Issued: October 25, 2022
Date Effective: October 25, 2022
Group: Car Owner
​​​​​​​​​​​The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for proposed revisions to MSRP Section I, Intermodal Equipment Manual, M-998. The proposed changes define the orientation, length, & diameter of the IBC handle to make improved ease of operation. Comments from interested parties are herewith solicited under the provisions of AAR Standard S-050. Please submit comments to Daniel Carter at

Subject: Solicitation of Comments, Revisions to Field Manual Rules 13 & 83
Date Issued: October 30, 2022
Date Effective: January 1, 2023
Group: Repair Shop
​​​​​​​​​​​At the September 2022 meeting of the Arbitration & Rules Committee (ARB) a proposal as advanced by the Brake Systems Committee to revise FM Rules 13 & 83, was reviewed & approved. In accordance w/Rule 123, comments are herein solicited. Comments should be sent to w/in 30 days of this letter for consideration. All comments received will be reviewed & considered by the ARB, w/a targeted implementation date of 1/1/23.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments, Revisions to Field Manual Rule 37
Date Issued: October 30, 2022
Date Effective: January 1, 2023
Group: Repair Shop
​​​​​​​​​​​At the September 2022 meeting of the ARB a proposal as advanced by the WABL Committee to revise FM Rule 37 for Nevis Adapter Pads, was reviewed & approved. In accordance w/Rule 123, comments are herein solicited. Comments should be sent to within 30 days of this letter for consideration. All comments received will be reviewed & considered by the ARB with a targeted implementation date of 01/01/23.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments, Revisions to Field Manual, Rule 48.A.3.a
Date Issued: October 30, 2022
Date Effective: January 1, 2023
Group: Repair Shop
At the September 2022 meeting of the ARB a proposal as advanced by the CSTC Committee to revise FM Rule 48.A.3.a to clarify that clip-on-type pedestal liners that are broken or cracked but still perform their intended function are not to be considered as Cause for Attention, was reviewed & approved. In accordance with Rule 123, comments are herein solicited. Comments should be sent to within 30 days of this letter. All comments received will be reviewed & considered by the ARB with a targeted implementation date of 1/1/23.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments, Revisions to Field Manual, Rule 48
Date Issued: October 30, 2022
Date Effective: January 1, 2023
Group: Repair Shop
At the September 2022 meeting of the ARB a proposal as advanced by the CSTC Committee to revise FM Rule 48 to address questions regarding repairs of Swing Motion pedestal rockers & their proper repair, was reviewed & approved. In accordance with Rule 123, comments are herein solicited. Comments should be sent to within 30 days. All comments received will be reviewed & considered by the ARB with a targeted implementation date of 1/1/23.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments, Revisions to Field Manual, Rule 108.2.c
Date Issued: October 30, 2022
Date Effective: January 1, 2023
Group: Repair Shop
At the September 2022 meeting of the ARB a request for interpretation of Rule 108.2.c. was received & discussed. ARB determined that Rule 108.2.c was informational & did not indicate responsibility, therefore ARB proposed the removal of Rule 108.2.c to avoid future confusion. The proposed revision was approved. In accordance with Rule 123, comments are herein solicited. Comments should be sent to within 30 days. All comments received will be reviewed & considered by the ARB with a targeted implementation date of January 1, 2023.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments, Revisions to Field Manual, Rule 15
Date Issued: October 31, 2022
Date Effective: January 1, 2023
Group: Repair Shop
At the September 2022 meeting of the ARB a proposal as advanced by the CSTC Committee to revise FM Rule 15 based on a review of ’99 Job Codes, was reviewed & approved. In accordance with Rule 123, comments are herein solicited. Comments should be sent to w/in 30 days. All comments received will be reviewed & considered by the ARB w/a targeted implementation date of 1/1/23.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to Circular 42, General Rules Governing the Loading of Carload Shipments of Commodities in Closed Car
Date Issued: October 31, 2022
Date Effective: November 31, 2022
Group: Car Owner, Locomotive
The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to Circular 42, General Rules Governing the Loading of Carload Shipments of Commodities in Closed Cars (DP&FC): Section 5. Loading, Blocking, and Bracing – Boxcars; Items F. & I, & Standardized of the use of the terms boxcar and railcar throughout the document. Comments from interested parties are herewith solicited under the provisions of AAR Standard S-050. Please submit comments or questions to Kelsey Even, DP&FC Committee Manager at All comments, relevant to the proposed revisions, received within 30 days of the issuance of this circular will be considered by the DP&FC Committee prior to taking action.