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This notification provides a brief summary of each AAR Circular Letter issued during the prior month. TrinityRail monitors these Circular Letters as they relate to or may impact TrinityRail’s fleet, its customers, its shop network and its manufacturing operations. Circular letters may be viewed in their entirety by accessing the fee-based circular letter library from the Transportation Technology Center Inc. (TTCI) at

These Circular Letter – Quick Notes are intended to improve accessibility to the users and are not proof of revision to the AAR, MSRP’s, Office or Field Manuals per M-1003 2.3.5.

Subject: DRAFT S-9076.V1.0 – ITC Systems Management Interoperable Gateway Requirements is available for review & comment. In support of MSRP, Section K-1, Railway Electronics Systems Architecture & Concept of Operations
Date Issued: February 9, 2021
Date Effective: February 9, 2021
Group: Locomotive
The PTC Interoperability Committee is publishing DRAFT Standard S-9076. ITC Systems Management Interoperable Gateway Requirements for review & comment.

Subject: DRAFT S-9075. ISMP Design Considerations is available for review & comment. In support of MSRP, Section K-1, Railway Electronics Systems Architecture & Concept of Operations
Date Issued: February 9, 2021
Date Effective: February 9, 2021
Group: Locomotive
The PTC Interoperability Committee is publishing DRAFT S-9075.V1.0 – ISMP Design Considerations for review & comment.

Subject: DRAFT S-9355. Class C Messaging is available for review & comment. In support of MSRP, Section K-IV, Office Architecture & Railroad Electronics Messaging.
Date Issued: February 9, 2021
Date Effective: February 9, 2021
Group: Locomotive
The PTC Interoperability Committee is publishing DRAFT Standard S-9355 for review & comment. In order to provide time for review & comment, this document will have a 15-day comment period.

Subject: Implementation of Retirement & Archival of MSRP Section M – Standard S-5512 – LOCOMOTIVE EVENT RECORDER DOWNLOAD STANDARD
Date Issued: February 22, 2021
Date Effective: February 22, 2021
Group: Locomotive
The purpose of this Circular is to notify the industry of the retirement of MSRP Section M, Standard S-5512 – Locomotive Event Recorder Download Standard.

Subject: Informational Circular, CRB Data Exchange Type 6 Records & FindUs.Rail
Date Issued: February 23, 2021
Date Effective: February 23, 2021
Group: Repair Shop
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is recommended that this information be shared w/all Car Repair Billing & IT personnel in your company that work w/or are responsible for Car Repair Invoices submitted to &/or received from Railinc’s CRB Data Exchange.The CRB Committee has approved a proposal to allow Railinc to update missing contact information in FindUs.Rail w/contact information from CRB inbound Record Type 6. Office Manual Rule 114 requires that all signatories to the Interchange Rules populate FindUs.Rail. Rule 114.11 also states, “Railinc is authorized to update the system contact record with the same contact information found in the Type 6 Record.”

Subject: Implementation Effective Immediately: Corrections to Field Manual Rule 41, Wheels
Date Issued: February 24, 2021
Date Effective: February 24, 2021
Group: Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry that there were misprints found on two pages in Rule 41 of the January 2021 English & Spanish Field Manuals.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION
FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, Standard S-2043, Performance Specification for Trains Used
to Carry High Level Radioactive Material (HLRM)
Date Issued: February 25, 2021
Date Effective: February 25, 2021
Group: Car Owner, Manufacturer
The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, Standard S-2043, Performance Specification for Trains Used to Carry HLRM. The main purpose of the revisions is to update requirements based on experience gained in recent years during the testing & approving of HLRM equipment.

Subject: IMPLEMENTED. MSRP, Section K-1 Railway Electronics Systems Architecture &
Concept of Operations, Standard S-9081
Date Issued: February 26, 2021
Date Effective: February 26, 2021
Group: Locomotive
Standard S-9081 contains the format & establishes some of the data contents of the Train Sheet Transaction Set (EDI 161), Applicable Advise – Train Sheet (EDI 824) & Train Consist Transaction Set (EDI 418J) for use within the context of EDI environment. These transaction sets can be used to allow railroads to exchange train information & ensure that the crews operating equipment on the railroads are aware of current operating conditions.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments, Office Manual Rule 88, Form 88-C, Rule 93 & Appendix E
Date Issued: February 26, 2021
Date Effective: February 26, 2021
Group: Car Owner, Manufacturer, Repair Shop
IMPLEMENTED. MSRP, Section K-1 Railway Electronics Systems Architecture & Concept of Operations, Standard S-9081.