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2020 AAR August Circular Letter

This notification provides a brief summary of each AAR Circular Letter issued during the prior month. TrinityRail monitors these Circular Letters as they relate to or may impact TrinityRail’s fleet, its customers, its shop network and its manufacturing operations. Circular letters may be viewed in their entirety by accessing the fee-based circular letter library from the Transportation Technology Center Inc. (TTCI) at

These Circular Letter – Quick Notes are intended to improve accessibility to the users and are not proof of revision to the AAR, MSRP’s, Office or Field Manuals per M-1003 2.3.5.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments on the Retirement and Archiving of MSRP Section M, RP-545 Testing Electrical Components
Date Issued: August 3, 2020
Date Effective: August 3, 2020
Group: Locomotive
The purpose of this Circular is to notify the industry of and to solicit comments on the retirement and archiving of MSRP Section M, RP-545 Testing Electrical Components.

Subject: Correction – Revisions to July 1, 2020 Field Manual and CRB Price Master
Date Issued: August 3, 2020
Date Effective: August 3, 2020
Group: Car Owner, Repair Shop
After the issuance of the July 1, 2020 Field Manual and Car Repair Billing Price Master, it was brought to our attention that Rule 9 Job Codes 1456 and 1480 were missing several Why Made Codes.

Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section S, CASTING DETAILS, M-220, Casting Component Nondestructive Testing Requirements, Regarding Updates to Inspection Requirements
Date Issued: August 3, 2020
Date Effective: August 3, 2020
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to Section S, M-220, Casting Component Nondestructive Testing Requirements.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section S-III, COUPLER AND YOKE DETAILS, S-176, S-177, S-178, S-179, and S-180, Regarding EOC Yokes
Date Issued: August 3, 2020
Date Effective: August 3, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to Section S-III, S-176, S-177, S-178, S-179, and S-180, regarding requirements for EOC yokes to meet Grade E material requirements of MSRP Section S, M-201.

Subject: Implementation of Editorial Revision to MSRP Section E – BRAKES AND BRAKE EQUIPMENT, S-402, Welding of Air Brake Pipe and Fittings For Railroad Cars – Welding Procedure Clarification
Date Issued: August 3, 2020
Date Effective: August 3, 2020
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of a revision to MSRP Section E, Brakes and Brake Equipment, S-402, Welding of Air Brake Pipe and Fittings For Railroad Cars – Welding Procedure, to align better with AWS D15.1.

Subject: Implementation of Editorial Revisions to MSRP Section E – BRAKES AND BRAKE EQUIPMENT, S-401, Brake Design Requirements. Hand brake marking requirements have been removed.
Date Issued: August 3, 2020
Date Effective: August 3, 2020
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to MSRP Section E, Brakes and Brake Equipment, S-401, Brake Design Requirements as it relates to hand brake markings.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions Proposed to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, S-2056, Clearance Plate Diagrams for Interchange Service: Proposed New Diagram Plate N
Date Issued: August 3, 2020
Date Effective: August 3, 2020
Group: Car Owner, Locomotive, Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, S-2056, Clearance Plate Diagrams for Interchange Service. The AAR Clearance Task Force and the Equipment Engineering Committee have proposed a new diagram, Plate N, to be added to the standard.

Subject: Implementation of Editorial Revisions to MSRP Section D, TRUCKS AND TRUCK DETAILS, Specification M-965 Truck Systems to Control Roll Stability of Freight Cars, Appendix A Update
Date Issued: August 4, 2020
Date Effective: August 4, 2020
Group: Car Owner, Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of editorial revisions to MSRP Section D, TRUCKS AND TRUCK DETAILS, M-965 Truck Systems to Control Roll Stability of Freight Cars.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section G, Wheels and Axles, M-107/M-208, and S-658, and MSRP Section G-II, WHEEL AND AXLE MANUAL, S-659, and RP-633, AAR-2A Standard Profile, AMFLEET Axle Relief Grooves, and Wheel Seat Measurement
Date Issued: August 4, 2020
Date Effective: August 4, 2020
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for proposed revisions to MSRP Section G, Wheels and Axles, and MSRP Section G-II, WHEEL AND AXLE MANUAL, with changes indicated as follows: M-107/M-208 WHEELS, CARBON STEEL, S-658 AXLE FOR PASSENGER CARS (AMFLEET) INBOARD ROLLER, BEARING—RAISED WHEEL SEAT, S-659 1.0 MANDATORY RULES GOVERNING, WHEEL SHOP PRACTICES AS REQUIRED BY INTERCHANGE RULES, RP-633 4.0

Subject: Implementation of Editorial Revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, and Section L, LETTERING AND MARKING OF CARS. Relocation of publications M-947, S-910, and S-916. Retirement of Section L.
Date Issued: August 6, 2020
Date Effective: August 6, 2020
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of editorial revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, and Section L, LETTERING AND MARKING OF CARS. The main purpose is to retire Section L as the AAR Equipment Engineering Committee has determined that the content of Section L does not justify an entire MSRP section.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments on Proposed Revisions to MSRP, Section M, – RP-589, RATING FOR SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION OF DIESEL ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES
Date Issued: August 7, 2020
Date Effective: August 7, 2020
Group: Locomotive
The Locomotive Committee has completed an extensive review and revision of Recommended Practice – RP-589, RATING FOR SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION OF DIESEL ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. The proposed revisions reflect new testing technology, updates and an addition to the 2.0 DEFINITIONS section.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments: Revisions to MSRP Section F, SENSORS | S-920 AAR Component Identification Bar Code Standard Modifications to Section 17 – Emergency Brake Valve Portion CID Labels and Section 18 – Service Brake Valve Portion CID Labels.
Date Issued: August 7, 2020
Date Effective: August 7, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
AAR’s Brake Systems Committee recently advanced modifications to the subject sections to allow for a CID label pad to be machined into the casting of the service and emergency portions of a freight car brake valve.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments: Revisions to MSRP Section F, SENSORS, Std S-920 AAR Component Identification – Bar Code Standard Addition of Data Glossary Elements for Side Frames and Bolsters
Date Issued: August 7, 2020
Date Effective: August 7, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
AAR’s Coupling Systems and Truck Castings Committee (CSTCC) recently updated M-214 and M-220 to allow for special inspection and reconditioning of bolsters and side frames that are 47 years or older from the cast date.

Subject: Notification Regarding Non-Compliant Tank Car Service Equipment
Date Issued: August 10, 2020
Date Effective: August 10, 2020
Group: Car Owner, Locomotive, Manufacturer, Repair Shop
The purpose of this CPC is to notify industry that any tank car service equipment manufactured by a facility whose AAR facility registration/certification has expired is not compliant with AAR M-1002/M-1003 standards and that service equipment is prohibited in North American Railroad Interchange Service. Below list five AAR facility’s whose registration or certification expired.

Subject: Save the Date – Announcing the 2021 AAR’s 33rd Quality Assurance Auditor and Industry Conference
Date Issued: August 13, 2020
Date Effective: August 13, 2020
Group: Information
The AAR Quality Assurance Committee has postponed the AAR Quality Assurance Auditor and Industry Conference that is usually held in January of each year and has moved it to July 26, 2021 week in Fort Worth, Texas.

Subject: Implementation of Revisions to Figures 29-B, 29-C, 29-I, and 29-K: Coils ofFlat Steel – Section 2 of the AAR Open Top Loading Rules (OTLR) Manual
Date Issued: August 18, 2020
Date Effective: August 18, 2020
Group: Shipper
The AAR’s OTLR Committee has approved the following revisions to the Figures 29-B, 29-C, 29-I, and 29-K: Coils of Flat Steel – Section 2 of the AAR OTLR Manual.

Subject: Notice of implementation to include Cordura Sleeves in Figure 14-B: Plate or Slab, Horizontal, Steel, 10 ft. wide or less, 20 ft. long or Over on Flatcars or Bulkhead Flatcars – Section 2 of the AAR Open Top Loading Rules (OTLR) Manual
Date Issued: August 18, 2020
Date Effective: August 18, 2020
Group: Shipper
The AAR’s OTLR Committee requested comments from the industry via circular C-13609, to include Cordura Sleeves in Figure 14-B: Plate or Slab, Horizontal, Steel, 10 ft. wide or less, 20 ft. long or Over on Flatcars or Bulkhead Flatcars – Section 2 of the AAR OTLR.

Subject: Notice of Implementation: Release of 2020 editions of the AAR Open TopLoading Rules (OTLR) Manuals
Date Issued: August 25, 2020
Date Effective: August 25, 2020
Group: Shipper
The AAR’s OTLR Committee is pleased to announce the release of 2020 editions of the AAR OTLR Manuals. These manuals cover North American rail industry requirements for securing commodities that are loaded on open top rail cars, trailers, and containers for safe and reliable rail transport.

Subject: DRAFT Standard S-9371.V3.0 – PTC Onboard Segment-Energy Management Interface Control Document (ICD), is available for review and comment. In support of AAR’s MSRP, Section K-IV, Office Architecture and Railroad Electronics Messaging
Date Issued: August 27, 2020
Date Effective: August 27, 2020
Group: Locomotive
The Positive Train Control Committee of the AAR is publishing DRAFT Standard S-9371.V3.0 – PTC Onboard Segment-Energy Management ICD, for review and comment.

Subject: Notification Regarding M-1002 Appendix B Demonstration of C6r
Date Issued: August 28, 2020
Date Effective: August 28, 2020
Group: Repair Shop
Industry recently inquired with the AAR Tank Car Committee as to what is an acceptable test fixture to use when demonstrating C6r modifications. The purpose of this CPC is to respond to this inquiry. It is to be noted that the preferred demonstration would be performed on an available tank car.